- Beach Trips - I did one. Pathetic!!! I documented it here.
- 2-3 Mountain Hikes including the end of summer kicker hike to Suicide Rock - I did one. Pathetic!! We haven't even talked about going back and tackling Suicide Rock. It was supposed to happen on Labor Day weekend, but I think we must have been busy. The one hike I did was also documented at the link above.
Beach HikeCamping- S'Mores - With not camping, S'Mores didn't happen either, but we are doing them this weekend in the backyard...so move this to the Fall Bucket List maybe?
- Homemade Ice Cream - Made one batch and it was delicious! Mint & Chip
Spend time under the stars - heck, maybe even sleep outside under the stars like we did as kids!- Reading at least one "beach" read (AKA - a less than serious novel! haha) - I read lots of books over the summer actually...some that aren't really worth even sharing because they were such fluff, but read a fun little series called Rock Chick and talk about a summer read!

- Reading at least one classic - I read The Road by Cormac McCarthy and it was a fabulous, if dreary, book. The writing was simply amazing. My first Cormac novel.
- Refresh my music playlist - I definitely did that when I got the new 30 Seconds to Mars Album - Love, Lust, Faith + Dreams. AWESOME!!! I am seriously addicted and keep going back to it.
Visit a museumPicnic lunch (or dinner) in the park- Take more pictures documenting the fun (I'm horrible about taking pictures it seems...LOL) - I tried...my phone sucks. End of story. I need to buy a simple point and shoot camera and really wish I had one when I was in Oregon.
- and even more! - I have to say that the "even more" was the trip to Oregon. It was absolutely fabulous and I had such a great time with my mom & sister exploring trails and rivers and seeing family I haven't seen in years and years. I mean I ran on Pre's Trail for goodness' sake!!! That was an experience that I'm still savoring on a regular basis...that and the trail run along the Willamette River in Corvallis. Those are experiences that will live with me until the day I die.
So even though a lot of the stuff on my bucket list either didn't happen, or didn't happen in the abundance that I was hoping it would, I have to say that I had a fantastic summer! I really, really hated the 10-hour work days and they took a lot out of me this year, but I enjoyed spending time with the family and relaxing at home...in the air conditioning. HA!
But, alas, it is time to put summer behind us. Especially as I sit here listening to the rain fall outside knowing that when I get home my husband has the first fireplace fire of the season going. Can't wait to celebrate fall and cooler weather, crunchy leaves, baking, turkey, and even more!

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