Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Quality End to the Day...

So I was reading something the other day...hmmm...can't really remember what exactly but I think it was perhaps the latest issue of Runner's World (which I absolutely DEVOURED by the way...finished it so quick I was sad it was over) and someone mentioned that their afternoon snack was tea and a little indulgence. Basically something to get them over the last hump of the afternoon as they head into dinner. And I kind of realized that I might be missing something like that. A little hump jumper of a snack! So I decided that I would grab a new herbal tea and something that resembled an indulgence, without being ridiculous like a volcano cake or something, and see if it wouldn't be good (mentally/physically/etc).

Well - let's just say - quality found! It's especially important after a long holiday weekend spent doing quality stuff. Today is a hard day to readjust to worky-work. So here's what constitutes quality today:

Good Earth Sunset Red Tea in Vanilla Caramel. And no worries of caffeine overload - it's caffeine free!
Here's what they have to say about it: http://www.goodearth.com/red-teas-2.html
It's just like they describe it - earthy, but soothing with light hints of vanilla and caramel. And even though it is still technically summer, I'm declaring it Autumn and am happy sipping a warm cup of tea at the end of the day ...and it doesn't hurt that it is sub-zero temps in my office thanks to my boss that tends to run warm!

Add to that some dark chocolate covered pretzels from Sprouts Farmer's Market and it is delish! I enjoyed every sip and bite and guess what...I'm relaxed and ready to head home and make a dinner for the family without chowing down on anything and everything I can get my hands on!


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