My newest adventures? Well, they are kind of attached to each other because the first one is that I'm signed up for my third half marathon. I was kind of thinking I was just about ready for one but didn't want a fall 2012 race, and didn't want early 2013 - I was really shooting for March or April of 2013. So when is my race??? January 19, 2013. Okay, yeah - that's a little earlier than I was hoping for, but when an opportunity presents itself, sometimes you just have to go for it. Am I right? Besides, if you registered by midnight on 9/17 you got a free hat! LOL It's all about the swag people, savvy? (Hey, it's national talk like a pirate day so I had to throw something in there!!) Arrrggghhhh
We - me, my mom, and my sister - will be gearing up for the Temecula Valley Half Marathon. It is run through beautiful wine country in the "Napa of Southern California". Yeah, whatever...they make wine and it's local so it should be awesome! ;-)

Here's a picture of the winery of where you start and finish the race. Pretty, right? That's Monte de Oro Winery.
It should be a challenging course as there are some hills in that area, but hills schmills. If I can run a 10k in the mountains every year this should feel like flatlands...hahahaha That's my story and I'm sticking with it.
So there's part one of the adventure. Part two is in the training for this thing! I had decided awhile back that I wanted to do the FIRST Training Program chronicled in the book Run Less, Run Faster. Without boring you with all the details, I will suffice it to say that the training should be extremely "challenging". I think it is going to cause me to push to my outer limits, but in the end I'm hoping to be a faster, lighter, better runner...and one going home with a Half Marathon PR.
Oh, and of course all this will be happening during the quiet holiday months when not much else is going on.

Should be fun, eh? I'm going to try to chronicle my adventures here as much as it a sanity check!