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But here I am...a day and half away from my third half marathon. I feel like I've been waiting for this day for a very long, long time.
Since I started from scratch when I was cleared for running again I haven't been focused on getting faster. I've had speed workouts, but they were set to be a very moderate pace using my current fitness, rather than past race times, to build on. But you know what?
This race is my victory lap because I already did the hard part!!
I already went through pain, sickness, physical therapy, recovery and more. The actual race...that is the EASY part. HA!
So you won't hear anything from me about time goals. My goal is to:
1. Enjoy every mile
2. Spend time in reflection being thankful for the ability to run again
3. Slow down if needed, but not stop except for during aid stations and when taking fuel, as needed
And that's it - that's the plan!! I do have to confess though that I've had to beat back down the time goal thoughts a lot this week. I keep thinking in the back of my head "maybe you can...", or "maybe you should push..."; but I know that what I NEED is to just focus on those goals above. And whatever time I get is almost like a PR because I'm not the same person that raced Tinkerbell in January 2012. This is the recovered me and I've been through a lot and lived to tell the tale. :-)
I have created my Citrus Half playlist and I think it is going to be pretty epic! I'll share with y'all in the near future after I put the finishing touches on it. I have a pretty good idea of what I am going to wear and did a run-through (pun intended!) this past weekend in the clothes with all going well. I have my GU Chomps all ready to go. I think I'm as ready as I'm going to get at this point!
And just think...this weekend I will actually be coming home with TWO medals as this is the final race in the three-part Run Riverside Challenge!
I'm also going to mentally dedicate miles for the first time to help me meet my goals of reflection, gratitude, and enjoying every mile.
Mile 1 - My husband, Pat - words cannot express how much he gives to me
Mile 2 - My bestie, and biggest support outside of family, Rebecca
Mile 3 - My mom, Barbara, that made this race, and many others, possible
Mile 4 - My sister and BRF, Heather
Mile 5 - My oldest son and his wife, Robert and Auxi
Mile 6 - My place of work and weekday family, MSJC
Mile 7 - My younger son and his wife, Brandon and Tasha
Mile 8 - My other friends and support, both virtual and real-life!
Mile 9 - My older-by-three-minutes daughter and her significant other, Melissa and Curtis
Mile 10 - My younger-by-three-minutes daughter, Michelle
Mile 11 - My two beautiful grandkids that keep me running - figuratively and literally - Joshua and Angie
Mile 12 - God
Mile 13 - My husband again because he is the beginning, the end and everything in between
Mile .1 - It's ALL ME, BABY!!!!!
I'll be back to let you know how it all goes; wish me luck!! (I very well may need it! hehe)
Love you mile dedications, that is pretty awesome. You are going to have a GREAT race tomorrow!!